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Nedbank Financial Planner
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Was this Wills application link forwarded to you by a Nedbank Financial Planner?
Planner details
Personal information
Spouse Details
Do you wish to provide details of your spouse/partner?
Spouse identification
Residential address
Postal address
We regrettably cannot proceed with your Will application because you are below the legislated age of making a Wills. Return to home page
Document preference
What language would you like the Will drafted in?
What size font would you like on the Will?
Assets details
Please capture your assets in the relevant fields (At least one field must be completed)
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The biological parents are the natural guardians of a minor child, a minor child is a child below the age of 18 years. You may nominate a person to act as guardian in the absence of both biological parents.
Do you want a guardian?
Do you want a Trust?
A trustee is a person or institution responsible for administering the trust to protect the interests on behalf of your beneficiaries nominated in your Will. It is advisable to nominate a reputable institution such as Nedgroup Trust as trustee. Nedgroup Trust reserves the right to either accept or renounce its nomination as trustee. Nedgroup Trust does not accept trusteeship subject to certain terms and conditions.
Will Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd be the trustee of your estate?
Please provide full names and identification by way of ID/Passport number or Relationship
Note: ID/Passport or Relationship can be used to identify the Trustee
Trustee identification
This relates to your wishes in respect of burial or cremation of your bodily remains after death. These wishes need to be to the knowledge of your relatives and does not form part of the executor’s duties.
Do you have any funeral wishes?
Do you wish to be cremated or buried?
An executor is a person or institution responsible for the administration of your estate in terms of the Administration of Estates Act and the provisions contained in your Will after your death. It is advisable to nominate a reputable institution such as Nedgroup Trust as executor. Nedgroup Trust reserves the right to either accept or renounce its nomination as executor. Nedgroup Trust does not accept executorship subject to certain terms and conditions.
Will Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd be the executor of your estate?
Note: ID/Passport or Relationship can be used to identify the Executor
Executor identification
Wills drafting is provided free of charge, provided that Nedgroup Trust is nominated as executor. Nedgroup Trust does not accept executorship subject to certain terms and conditions. Where an alternative executor is nominated a wills drafting or will review fee is charged.
Please complete your banking details for the debit order authorisation
Payment authorisation
I, hereby authorise Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd to debit my account in the amount selected.
Please note that you cannot continue if you have not accepted the terms and conditions above.
Beneficiary options
This indicates how your property will be divided amongst your beneficiaries, after payment of all claims against your estate and estate administration costs.
Please provide full names and surname of spouse
Should your spouse not survive you, then your child/ren will be your sole beneficiaries?
Please select if you would like to individually name your children or select them as a group
Please provide full names, surname and relationship
Group beneficiary details
Please provide full names, surname, relationship and percentage
Please provide full names and surname of person
Further drafting instruction
Commissioner of Oath
A Commissioner of Oath is required to assist you to sign your will should you have a disability where you are unable to sign, for example, physical disability or blindness or where you are illiterate
Would you require a Commissioner of Oath to sign your Will?
Terms and conditions
Consent and Declaration
Nedbank may use a method of communication other than that preferred by me as well as my personal information to market its products to me, including electronic marketing and telesales, until I give an instruction to the contrary.
Privacy consent
Note: Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd includes all its subsidiaries, associates, cessionaries, delegatees and successors in title.
'Processing' of personal information means any operation or activity or any set of operations, whether or not by automatic means, concerning personal information, including the collection, receipt, recording, organisation, collation, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, alteration, consultation or use of such information.
Are you satisfied that all the relevant information has been captured?
Please note that you cannot continue if you have not accepted the terms and conditions. Return to homepage